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Making money on blogging in 2023: is it worth it?

There are many ways to make money both with high speed Internet and offline in 2023. And it has nothing to do with age or skills. Blogging is one of the most popular ways to supplement a household budget. There are more than 600 million blogs only in the US, and over 7 million posts are made in blogs worldwide daily according to InternetLiveStats.

Making money on blogging in 2023: is it worth it?

Today we will look at:

How to start blogging?

The main thing you need is a passion for any topic, and a desire to share it with others. It’s enough to start a blog. But to become a successful blogger and get paid for it (like anyone can be paid for bandwidth) you'll need to put effort. A lot of effort. So what’s necessary to start profitable blogging?

  • A nice niche. It’s a theme you’re interested in, and something you can write about not to give it up after a couple of posts. E.g. the ways to make money sharing your Internet or other side hustles.
  • A place to be. It’s a webpage that will become a source of income generation. Or will serve for self-actualization. It includes technical details such as: registering a domain name, signing up for web hosting, choosing a web platform (WordPress or others). Or place your blog on Blogspot, Tumblr, Medium, Squarespace,etc. In 2023 there are a lot of ready-made solutions for the newbies.
  • A place to be. It’s a webpage that will become a source of income generation. Or will serve for self-actualization. It includes technical details such as: registering a domain name, signing up for web hosting, choosing a web platform (WordPress or others). Or place your blog on Blogspot, Tumblr, Medium, Squarespace,etc. In 2023 there are a lot of ready-made solutions for the newbies.
  • A nice niche. It’s a theme you’re interested in, and something you can write about not to give it up after a couple of posts. E.g. the ways to make money sharing your Internet or other side hustles.
  • A place to be. It’s a webpage that will become a source of income generation. Or will serve for self-actualization. It includes technical details such as: registering a domain name, signing up for web hosting, choosing a web platform (WordPress or others). Or place your blog on Blogspot, Tumblr, Medium, Squarespace,etc. In 2023 there are a lot of ready-made solutions for the newbies.
  • A place to be. It’s a webpage that will become a source of income generation. Or will serve for self-actualization. It includes technical details such as: registering a domain name, signing up for web hosting, choosing a web platform (WordPress or others). Or place your blog on Blogspot, Tumblr, Medium, Squarespace,etc. In 2023 there are a lot of ready-made solutions for the newbies.
How to make money blogging?

How to make money blogging?

There are numerous ways to turn blogging as a hobby to a form of money-making with high speed Internet. These are:

  1. Place advertisements on your blog. Banner ads, video ads, and product listings could bring you some money. E.g. businesses pay for impression ads only to be shown to visitors, and click ads bring money after someone interacts with it. Clicking ads is a procedure to get paid for alone, using your bandwidth and time.
  2. Sell posts. It suits if you’re not into making money sharing your internet or placing ads on your blog. Attract advertisers writing about them. Make a partner article promoting things on the theme of your webpage, or create a native-advertising text with hidden ads.
  3. Write paid reviews. Services and manufacturers pay those who describe their product with a twinkle in their eye, and can attract new customers. But usually this method is available to well-known influencers unlike getting paid for your bandwidth.
  4. Promote yourself. Share your experience and offer your service as a freelancer. You can also use the blog to offer advice or act as a coach on the themes you’re good at. Tell subscribers how to cope with everyday issues, how to sell Internet bandwidth or how to fix things. Showing aspects of your job can also be helpful, and handicraft blogs are popular nowadays.
  5. Turn a blog into online-store. You can devote only one site section to selling physical or digital products. In the first case, you can promote hand-made mugs, T-shirts, furniture, paintings, etc, or become a reseller. If you want to sell digital products via a blog, organize an Internet market. There’ll be a place for freelancers, designers, assistants, and creators of any kind. You’ll make money as a mediator with high speed internet.
  6. Start a paid membership. Organize a community to share ideas protected by a pay-wall. Follow a Patreon business model and post special articles, or start a forum for professionals united by common interests. There’s also a way to make special offers, if you’re a real estate agent, or SEO-professional.
  7. Ask to donate. You can simply add a button to get Paypal donations from visitors, who want to thank you for work and research placed in the public domain. It’s not as the most effective way to have a regular income as to get paid for your bandwidth.
  8. Join an affiliate program. You can recommend products to the audience of your blog. For every successful deal you’ll get a commision. That’s the same way the Bytelixir Referral program works. You can share the personal link in the blog, and get amounts equal to 50% of money made with high speed internet by people who follow the link.

Is it easy to be a blogger?

No way. Blogging demands to work hard everyday, spending from 3 to 6 hours to make an interesting post. You need to find your own style and themes on the market with the fierce competition. You need to make a plan of posts and stick to it. A successful blogger has a good understanding of WordPress, or other platforms the blog works on. And it’s necessary to pay for webpage hosting and to keep a site in working order all the time. Sum up all pros and cons before considering blogging as a main source of income. In the meantime you can take a closer look at passive income, and make money sharing your Internet. That’s what ByteLixir is about.

How to earn via ByteLixir?

As well as blogging, getting paid for your bandwidth is not one of these schemes promising you to get rich quick. You install our free app, keep it online, and sell unused bandwidth. It brings you from $2 to $10 with each device. Then you start sharing the personal link, and expand a referral network of affiliates. It raises the amount of money you make sharing your Internet.

  • We guarantee the security of your personal data and your devices, and make withdrawals on your personal accounts on demand.
  • Now you know how to sell internet bandwidth easily. Join now and have recurring passive income!

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